Stop Writing S.H.I.T

A lot of our older posts are really nothing more than useful facts written into a coherent paragraph or two. We have decided to step it up a level and make our posts unique, interesting, and thought provoking. Basically we have decided to stop writing





From now on our posts will make our readers want to return, provide a completely new view on something, or push the edge of the envelop.  I am almost embarrassed as I look back at my earlier posts, but then I realize something.  When I wrote those posts, I lacked knowledge and expertize, and I wrote about things that were new and useful to me.  Since then, I have evolved, I have learned, and I have put these things into practice.

If you have also become a victim of writing S.H.I.T., do not worry; you too can change.

~ by admin on January 17, 2010.

2 Responses to “Stop Writing S.H.I.T”

  1. […] Stop Writing S.H.I.T […]

  2. […] a place where a wide mix of my project have grown.  This blog has evolved, we’ve decided to stop writing crap content, and in doing so it has outgrown its old 5 letter domain for a new catchier one.  It may not be a […]

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