SEO Tips for WordPress

Matt Cutts discussion regarding whitehat seo tips for bloggers can be very useful regarding your WordPress blogs seo; below is a summary of the search engine optimization tips that Cutts mentioned which will help your WordPress blog.

  • Don’t put your blog at the root of your domain – You might want to expand upon your website later down the line.
  • Name the directory “blog” not “WordPress”.
  • Make category names that are quality keyword (which you target in your seo).
  • To help your blog to get listed in Google News, have multiple authors for your blog.
  • Use a WordPress plug-in that gives each post a unique title that matches the keyword you are targeting for it.
  • Ensure that your WordPress blog is crawlable.
  • Use the alt tags on all types of media content, images, videos, audio, etc.

~ by admin on March 17, 2009.

One Response to “SEO Tips for WordPress”

  1. Nice tips! This post is a great help. Thanks for sharing.

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