Image SEO

Below are some basic tips that will maximize your search engine rankings for images on your website.

Image Location:

  • Do not store your images in the root directory of your website.
    • If you maintain a small website, simply put your images in a folder called “images” (ex. http://***.com/images).
    • If you run a larger website, store your images in a more categorized manner, such as “images/category” (ex. http://***.com/images/category).
  • Never store your images at an external host, such as an image hosting website.

Image Naming:

  • Save the image in a gif, jpeg, or png formatting.
  • Name the image with targeted keywords that accurately represent it.
    • Appropriate
      • http://***.com/images/keyword1-keyword2.png
    • Inappropriate
      • http://***.com/images/picture1.png
      • http://***.com/images/catid10353.png

Those are just some simple tips that can help your website’s search optimization regarding images.  Optimizing your images can also improve the overall seo of your website.

~ by admin on March 30, 2009.

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