Check and Track Keyword Rank in Search Engines

This Firefox add-on, Rank Checker, is a very useful tool for quickly find out how your website ranks for a specific keyword on Google, Yahoo, and MSN.  It is quite easy to use, and once set up it can be used to track your keywords’ rank over a period of time.  Its auto update feature allows users to set it, so that it can retrieve the rank of your specified list of keywords every X days.  These ranks of your keywords can then be exported into a .csv and stored for reference or be used to track your progress up or down your keyword ranks.  I have heard of many webmaster who manually check their ranks in search engines regarding their keywords.  This is an extremely tedious task and can be completely eliminated with the use of this add-on.  There are an array of additional features that this add-on has to offer, but the core of it is quite a unique tool.  If you want to easily track or check your keyword ranks in search engines, then this Firefox add-on is something that you should not be without as a webmaster.

~ by admin on November 6, 2008.

One Response to “Check and Track Keyword Rank in Search Engines”

  1. […] you can use the Rank Checker to see how your website, or even a specific webpage’s keyword or keywords ranking in search engines. These stats are saved in an archive and can be compared later as your website continues to […]

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