Adsense: Text vs. Image Ads

Adsense text ads tend to blend into your website more, which results in a lower CTR; whereas, image ads stick out more against the content of your website, which results in a higher CTR.  This does not necessarily mean that image ads are better than text ads.  Generally, Adsense image ads are CPM ads; this means it might be a good idea to use these ads on webpages which are unlikely to get clicks.  Depending on your website it may be beneficial for you to use Adsense text or image ads.  In my experience with another blog of mine, I decided to switch from Adsense text ads to Adsense image ads; the results were surprising.  I received ~25% more clicks while using the image ads, but the image ads paid ~50% less than the text ads did.  Maybe this is because there is not as much competition for image ads in the niche, which would explain the lower amount paid per ad.  The choice to use Adsense text or image ads really depends on your website.  You should also consider individual ad positioning to see if certain placements are beneficial to image ads, while others are better for text ads and vice versa.  You will not know whether text or image ads will actually perform better until you do a comparison between them.

~ by admin on November 10, 2008.

3 Responses to “Adsense: Text vs. Image Ads”

  1. […] your Adsense accounts and display other ads on those websites.  Also, you may choose to only show Adsense text or image ads to visitors that are directed to your site from search engines.  These visitors will be more […]

  2. […] is an excellent option for many publishers to monetize their websites compared to Adsense image or text ads.  They are unique from other ad services in that their popups are inpage and they pay per […]

  3. […] wish to use. In addition, it is important to decide which will be more beneficial with regards to CPM vs. CPC campaigns.  After testing out each of the advertisers that accepted me for 2 days (1 day CPM and 1 […]

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