Ad Coloration to Maximize Advertising Revenue

The question is: What do you color your ads within your webpage, so that you don’t drive your visitors crazy, but still earn enough revenue? Generally speaking the more ads you have the more money you will earn; however, there is a tipping point at which visitors will simply start leaving your site, if it becomes infested with ad units. A method of subtly adding ad units to a webpage is to have these ads blend into the content of the site. This means that you might color your Adsense unit to match the colors of the sidebar on your website. Additionally, you may consider placing the ad unit within a large section of text, so that the text simply flows around this ad. Color coordinating the ads properties (background, text, border, etc.) is very important, so that your ads do blend into the site. The other thing to remember is you don’t want your ads to blend in too well, if visitors are constantly clicking on ads accidentally because they are trying to navigate to another page on your website, this will cause your visitors to become irritated. Even though this might temporarily cause you to earn more money; in the long run, it is possible that this may be harmful to your traffic. Be attentive in how you color ad units, so that they are just right. You might have to toy around with this for a while, but getting user feedback or simply looking at your site from a visitors’ perspective can help you to achieve this.

~ by admin on January 17, 2008.

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