StatCounter: Pros / Cons
StatCounter is a free live updating website tracker that provide basic information about users of your website. StatCounter is great in that I have never experienced a period of downtime with them. They give you the option to make the counter invisible, so you do not have to show your visitors your stats if you do not want to. StatCounter is excellent for comparing general trends over a period of time, whether that be hourly, weekly, monthly, etc. If you opt for the free version of StatCounter their information regarding length of visits, referrer, exit pages, etc. really lacks as they only keep log sizes of 500. For most website owners this extremely limiting. You can however, upgrade and increase your log size for a price, but I feel that there are other sources that can provide these services for free. Basically, StatCounter is reliable, fast, accurate and useful for seeing trends, but lacks in other areas unless you are willing to upgrade.
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